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Supplier Diversity Questionnaire

At MxD, we believe our suppliers, like our employees, should reflect the communities that we live in and serve. By including and supporting diverse businesses in our supply chain, we create opportunity, promote innovation and stimulate growth that enriches our ecosystem as a whole.

Please fill out the following form to the best of your ability.

For questions about our Supplier Diversity Program please contact Finance at

Supplier Diversity Questionnaire

Fields marked with an * are required
12. Do you have any business or personal relationship with MxD’s employees? *
13. Please check all that apply: *
13-A. If you selected "Minority Owned" above, please select from
14. If your business is at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by any of the following, please check the associated box: *
15. Check your certifying agency or agencies *
16. Certification Expiration Date: *

For questions, please email
