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Safe Operator via Industry 4.0 Technologies

The U.S manufacturing industry loses $8.4B per year to serious, nonfatal workplace injuries. Though the automation of production environments has created safer conditions in the 4th industrial revolution, operator-in-the-loop workflows are still commonplace and introduce challenges for workers. MxD is releasing a proposal for the implementation of industry 4.0 technologies to proactively prevent injuries in manufacturing. Leveraging commercial off-the-shelf technologies, the solution will provide operators and stakeholders with real-time, actionable insights into worker safety and promote safe work environments.

About the Project

MxD is releasing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to fund the implementation of digital manufacturing and industry 4.0 technologies to proactively prevent injuries in manufacturing. Digital manufacturing and Industry 4.0 technologies such as intelligent personal assistants and wearables show potential for creating safer work environments by augmenting a worker’s capabilities and enabling real-time health/safety alerts.

There are various barriers to implementation and adoption of these technologies to support operator safety and well-being. These can include worker perception of data collection; commercially available solutions; and regulatory, legal, and data requirements. Additionally, there is a lack of standards and concise, actionable steps on how to implement these technologies within manufacturing. To address these industry needs, MxD is funding the development of a safe operator framework and learning resources that incorporate industry 4.0 technologies to enable safe manufacturing environments. By focusing on observing operator actions and environment, the need for the collection of health data/personal identifiable information (PII) is no longer necessary. This also mitigates data privacy concerns from human cyber-physical systems.

RFP responses are due on or before
Thursday, December 1, 2022, 5:00 p.m. CT.

Proposals must be submitted by teams; MxD membership is not required for submission but will be required prior to project award. To facilitate team formation, MxD will compile and disseminate contact information from parties interested in Team Formation during the first month of the proposal period. If you are interested in submitting your contact info to this distribution list, please email

Note: All project work must be performed in the United States.

This project is a TIA Enterprise Project that requires a minimum of 1:1 cost share.

Team Formation Opportunity

Please join MxD's community for a virtual Team Formation Opportunity on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022. The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity for individuals and organizations to identify synergies between their proposal approaches. In addition, individuals and organizations will be able to share a snapshot of their solution to the Request for Proposals (RFP) and receive preliminary feedback from the MxD community.

It is highly encouraged, but not mandatory, to attend this event if you plan on submitting a proposal in response to the 22-06 Safe Operator via Industry 4.0 Technologies RFP.

The Team Formation Opportunity for this project will be held on
Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 1:00 p.m. CT.

Frequently Asked Questions