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OIB Modernization Challenge

From planes and tanks, to Unmanned Aircraft Systems, to MRAPs and beyond, past wars were fought and won by surging the industrial base to meet unanticipated wartime requirements. In the future, wars will not just be won by how well we can manufacture materials and equipment, but by how efficiently we can modify and repair the equipment we have and return it to the battlefield. The key to enabling this critical capability lies in the Organic Industrial Base (OIB), our depots, arsenals, and shipyards, which in many instances are aging, inefficient, and face extreme challenges on their modernization journeys.

About the Project

OSD ManTech is working to assemble and review white papers that address dual-use applications that are responsive to specific needs of the Department of Defense (DoD) - and the domestic manufacturing industry. This project call is focused on a single Special Topic Area (STA), OIB modernization. OSD ManTech is awarding five contracts of up to $500,000 each to address one or more focus areas, with work being completed and closed by December 15, 2024.

OSD ManTech has specified ten focus areas for the project call. Full descriptions can be found in Section 2.2.1 of the Project call.

1. Hardware Trackers for Industry 4.0 Implementation
2. Technology to Modernize Manufacturing
3. Digitization to Combat “Part-Orphaning”
4. Qualification/Certification Technology Using Data
5. Digitization of the “Shop Floor”
6. Workforce Development in Pursuit of the “Virtual Artisan”
7. Novel Disposal/Recycling
8. Intrinsically Safe Manufacturing Equipment
9. Standard/Interoperable Technical Data Packages
10. Other

Project teams submitting to this project call must include MxD as a team performer in their projects and be members in good standing. While cost share is not a requirement, it will be evaluated favorably. At a minimum, MxD should perform project management. If your organization would like MxD to perform any additional project responsibilities, you have any questions about this opportunity, or want to discuss your ideas, please schedule a call with MxD CTO Federico Sciammarella as soon as possible to discuss at the link below.

You must indicate your intention to respond to this project call by completing the Interest Form below by November 17, 2023 at 5:00pm CT to be considered for this opportunity.

Step 1 documents (white paper and concept quad chart templates) must be submitted to MxD by November 27, 2023 at 10:00 am CT. MxD will down select the strongest proposals to submit to OSD ManTech.

COTS Solutions

While ineligible to receive award money, as no further investment is needed, MIIs and their ecosystem partners are encouraged to submit mature or already commercialized technologies that are readily available and address the focus areas outlined in Section 2.2.1. These submissions need not follow the submission criteria contained herein. Any format and literature will be accepted, aggregated, and disseminated to the Organic Industrial Base for individual consideration. There are no limits to the number of submissions from this category that each MII can forward to OSD. The only requirements are that each submission is limited to no more than two pages and that an organization and point of contact is included with each submission. Existing product literature is acceptable, as the goal is simply to spread awareness of existing solutions in the marketplace. These packages will be aggregated and disseminated to OIB leadership.