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Virtual Interaction with Supply Chain Using Digital Twins

A digital twin operating in isolation is useful, but the real rewards come from making connections. Data integration between multiple sub-components of a digital twin, between multiple digital twins, or between digital twins on separate IT/OT networks, is key when advancing beyond initial use cases. This next step in the evolution of this technology focuses on the ability to connect digital twins across organizations within a supply chain. The ability to integrate digital twins with each other will be a differentiating factor in the future, as physical assets and equipment evolve.

About the Project

MxD is releasing a Request for Proposal to fund the development of a solution that allows for real-time sharing and collaboration of digital twins across organizations within a supply chain.

A digital twin operating in isolation is useful, but the real rewards come through making connections. Data integration between multiple sub-components of a digital twin, between multiple digital twins, or between digital twins on separate IT/OT networks, is key when advancing beyond initial use cases.

There are at least three types of relationships that can be demonstrated in this project call:

1) Hierarchical, in which digital twins can be grouped together into increasingly complex assemblies, such as when the digital twins for several pieces of equipment are grouped into a larger digital twin for a whole production line.

2) Associational, where a virtual twin for one system is connected to a virtual twin in another system, in the same way that their physical counterparts are interrelated, such as wind turbines connected to a power grid.

3) Peer-to-peer, for similar or identical equipment or systems working together, like the engines of a jet airplane.

This project seeks to demonstrate the interaction of digital twins across two distinct parts of the supply chain to determine what challenges implementations will face as they roll out this new technology platform.

RFP responses are due on or before
Thursday, December 16, 2021, 5:00 p.m. CT

Proposals must be submitted by teams, and MxD membership is not required for submission but will be required prior to project award. To facilitate project teaming, MxD will compile and disseminate contact information from parties interested in teaming during the first month of the proposal period.

If you are interested in submitting your contact info to this distribution list, please email

For questions or more information, contact

Note: All project work must be performed in the United States.

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