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Cybersecure Enclave Infrastructure as Code

Small and medium manufacturers are struggling to meet the increasingly complex demands being imposed on their business systems. These manufacturers do not have the resources to create cybersecure networks to protect their customers that require higher levels of compliance. This results in fewer manufacturers who can support manufacturing priorities with increased operational costs to DIB/OIB suppliers who do comply with DoD cybersecurity requirements and leads to lowered competitivity of US manufacturing with an inability to realize opportunities of IT connected enterprises.

About the Project

MxD is releasing a Request for Proposals for the development of a cyber software solution tool targeted at small and midsized manufacturers (SMMs) to allow them to receive CUI in an easily implementable tool for increased manufacturing production.

Because of their comparative agility and diversified capabilities, SMMs represent the greatest opportunity space for new suppliers to key US industries. Unfortunately, SMMs encounter a multitude of challenges that prevent them from working with the other manufacturers including increasing cybersecurity standards requirements and a trend of fewer opportunities which are pushing SMMs away. Most SMMs lack the necessary resources or knowledge to structure their network and equipment to protect their customers that require higher levels of compliance. SMMs need a mechanism to protect their potential client’s Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), Intellectual Property (IP), and ensure secure communication without being forced to first undergo expensive and time-consuming investments before any return or profit is gained.

MxD has a vested interest in reducing this barrier of entry for SMMs and has identified an opportunity to create a solution that allows more SMMs to participate in controlled or classified supply chains. MxD is funding a project to explore the methods to create a cybersecure system by examining existing systems in place and opportunities to build a new system targeted at SMM users to simplify provisioning, deployment, and maintenance of a “minimum viable” secure network infrastructure.

RFP responses are due on or before
Thursday, November 9, 2023, 5:00 p.m. CT.

Proposals must be submitted by teams; MxD membership is not required for submission but will be required prior to project award. To facilitate team formation, MxD will compile and disseminate contact information from parties interested in Team Formation during the first month of the proposal period. If you are interested in submitting your contact info to this distribution list, please email

Note: All project work must be performed in the United States.
This project is a TIA Enterprise Project that requires a minimum of 1:1 cost share.

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