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5G Cellular Technology for Industrial Facility IIoT Applications

This program seeks to establish a methodology to investigate and test the various types of 5G cellular architecture, 5G cybersecurity, and IOT applications of 5G wireless technology to determine the appropriate configuration for use in manufacturing facilities. Items such as wireless sensors, control systems, and related equipment will be tested within the facility over various conditions. Test results, lessons learned, and best practices will be made available for publication. The 5G system will also serve as an ongoing testbed for industry and DoD for additional use cases in the future.

About the Project

MxD is releasing several Requests for Quotation (RFQs) to support the 5G Cellular Technology for Industrial Facility IIoT Applications program focused on establishing a methodology to investigate and test the various types of 5G cellular architecture, 5G cybersecurity, and IOT applications of 5G wireless technology to determine the appropriate configuration for use in manufacturing facilities.

All open RFQs are listed below along with details on the program goals. For questions regarding these projects or this program, please email us at
For frequently asked questions, read our FAQs list.

Office Hours with MxD Experts

If you are interested in submitting to or have questions about 5G Cellular Technology for Industrial Facility IIoT Applications, click one of the buttons below to schedule a 15 or 30 minute call with one of our in-house experts.

Portrait of Michael HowardMichael Howard is a Senior Project Engineer at MxD, responsible for managing and executing complex research and development projects among both industry and academic partners. Throughout his career in mechanical engineering and new product development, he has earned 5 design patents.

Portrait of Tony Del SestoTony Del Sesto is MxD's Technical Fellow where he serves as a subject matter expert for MxD project, factory, and engineering teams. Tony’s focuses on demystifying Industry 4.0 technologies and implementing practical manufacturing applications for American manufacturers. He has more than 30 years of concept-to-customer experience in product development, supply chain, and manufacturing operations and hands-on experience in over 200 factories in 15 countries.

21-18-09 Automated Wireless Signal Strength Mapping for Industrial Facilities

The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-09 is to design, build, test, and deploy an autonomous mobile system which will survey wireless signal strength, across bands used in popular wireless communication protocols, and map the signal strength relative to a self-built, two-dimensional layout of the industrial facility.

RFQ responses are due on or before
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 5:00 p.m. CT

21-18-05 Factory Connectivity and Performance of a 5G Network


The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-05 is to demonstrate and measure the performance of selected configurations of 5G, in a neutral and objective manner, when utilized in industrial buildings, specifically in IIoT networks where digital applications are performed, and to compare the performance of such a network to a simple wired counterpart.

Deadline for RFQ 21-18-05 has passed. Please contact if you would like additional information on this RFQ.

21-18-06 Test Bed for Client-Side Equipment Testing


The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-06 is to generate a process testbed system within the MxD facilities that is accessible to manufacturers, the DoD, and Federal agencies such that they can test the implementation of varying wireless client-side devices within an industrial network architecture. Such a testbed is to be brand-agnostic, allowing various SIMs to be installed and verified via a registration process. The testbed is also to allow client-side devices that are not yet approved for industrial or Federal use to be installed and tested.

Deadline for RFQ 21-18-06 has passed. Please contact if you would like additional information on this RFQ.

21-18-07 Cybersecurity 5G system Penetration Testing


The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-07 is to determine vulnerabilities in selected cybersecurity architectures for 5G network systems via network penetration testing, and to generate documentation on the testing and discovered faults in cybersecurity within 5G networks. Testing will utilize the services of a neutrally selected white hat service firm to perform the testing on the 5G network system.

Deadline for RFQ 21-18-07 has passed. Please contact if you would like additional information on this RFQ.

21-18-08 Mission Critical Virtual Networking for Cybersecurity


The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-08 is to implement a virtual network containing Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF) functionality and an appropriate Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to protect critical on-network sub-systems from intrusion. This will involve the selection of and implementation of an NSSF and IDS into the network, the creation of experiments to test the effectivity of the NSSF and IDS in network security, and the documentation of the testing results and lessons learned.

Deadline for RFQ 21-18-08 has passed. Please contact if you would like additional information on this RFQ.

21-18-01 5G System Configuration Research for Industrial Building Application


The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-01 is to determine an optimal configuration of 5G, in a neutral and objective manner, for use in industrial buildings, specifically for IIoT and digital applications, and to make this information publicly available for broad industry use including DoD.

Deadline for RFQ 21-18-01 has passed. Please contact if you would like additional information on this RFQ.

21-18-02 Wired to Wireless Change Management Guide


The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-02 is to generate a guidebook that contains detailed steps on how a manufacturer can implement a wireless network architecture into their industrial facilities. Extra emphasis will be given towards helping existing manufacturers determine the viability and give existing manufacturers the know-how to take the existing wired architecture within their industrial facilities and transition to selected configurations of 5G, in a neutral and objective manner.

Deadline for RFQ 21-18-02 has passed. Please contact if you would like additional information on this RFQ.

21-18-03 5G Cybersecurity Reference Architecture Development


The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-03 is to generate documentation on cybersecurity within 5G networks. Such cybersecurity systems will then be implemented with the MxD 5G testbed and facilities to demonstrate their usage in a 5G connected industrial architecture. Documentation on cybersecurity systems for 5G architectures will be made publicly accessible such that the information may be utilized by manufacturers.

Deadline for RFQ 21-18-03 has passed. Please contact if you would like additional information on this RFQ.

21-18-04 Stand-Alone 5G System Design and Implementation


The primary goal of MxD Project 21-18-04 is to provide testbed functionality by installing a fully functional, standalone, 5G system, operating on unlicensed CBRS spectrum, within the MxD facility. This system will provide the foundation for conducting the tests highlighted in other projects under this program.

Deadline for RFQ 21-18-04 has passed. Please contact if you would like additional information on this RFQ.