Manufacturing X.0 U.S. Virtual Event
Virtual Event
Tony Del Sesto
Jon Powvens
Alyssa Sullivan
About the Event
After four years as the Internet of Manufacturing, the established manufacturing event adopts a new look in 2021!
Now Manufacturing X.0 US, the content-first event continues to showcase fresh stories from the manufacturers leading successful digital transformation and Industry 4.0 strategies.
With 60-70% of the audience coming from US Manufacturers’ Operations, IT, Innovation, Data and Software teams, Manufacturing X.0 provides peer-to-peer interactive, learning and networking sessions.
With three hours of content per day, spread over four days, the event is digestible and manageable for the virtual world.
Virtual Tour & Discussion hosted by MxD
For the fourth year, MxD takes attendees through a guided tour of its Future Factory Floor. The virtual experience of a real-life smart factory floor presents the newest solutions to your manufacturing problems in action. MxD’s knowledgeable experts guide you through the machines and technologies set to transform future production and answer your live questions.
Learn more at