Cybersecurity for Small to Mid-Sized Manufacturers
Automation Alley
2675 Bellingham Road
Troy, MI 48083
About the Event
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EDT
This event is for small to mid-sized manufacturers (SMM) to learn about cybersecurity and see live demos of common cyber-attacks coupled with actions that manufacturers can take to respond, utilizing MxD's state-of-the-art Cyber Box. In addition, you will be able to learn about the resources and support that MxD, Automation Alley, and the Michigan Manufacturing & Technology Center can provide regarding cybersecurity, Industry 4.0, and advanced manufacturing.
The MxD Cybersecurity Roadshow covers the fundamentals of cybersecurity, NIST Cyber Framework in Practice, Case Studies: Cyber Hacks in Manufacturing, and a live Q&A with Cyber Experts.
Discuss the unique challenges that manufacturing supply chains face when working toward security AND compliance, arm your organization with tactical approaches for reducing cybersecurity threats, and learn about various manufacturers of all sizes who have fallen victim to cyber-attacks and how that impacted their bottom line.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please email Cody Schaub at