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2019 Zurich Cyber Risks in Manufacturing Event | Akin Akinbosoye to Speak


MxD Innovation Center
1415 N Cherry Ave
Chicago, IL 60642
United States



Key Speakers

Akin Akinbosoye

About the Event

Director of Cybersecurity at MxD, Akin Akinbosoye, will be speaking at the 2019 Zurich Cyber Risks in Manufacturing Event on November 7, 2019.

A cyber attack on your company is a matter of when – not if. 

Manufacturers from the Midwest and around the country will convene in Chicago to hear experts in the field of Cyber Risks in Manufacturing. Join us November 7, 2019 to hear how cyber risks are changing and how they pertain to manufacturing.*
MxD, The Digital Manufacturing Institute, focuses on developing solutions for manufacturing challenges, including cyber security. MxD will provide guests with tours of their “Future Factory”, an experiential manufacturing environment that demonstrates state-of-the-art digital manufacturing technologies. This “future factory” features some of the most advanced manufacturing equipment in the world, which partners can use for experimentation and training on everything from augmented reality to advanced simulation techniques.

Optional tours will be held from:
1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. (45 min tour) and at
4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.  

Each tour has a max of 50 people so be sure to register early!

Close-toed shoes are mandatory. You will not be admitted on the tour if you have open-toed shoes.

Factory of the Future Tour 1 (optional) | 1 p.m.
Panel Discussion | 2 p.m.
Networking Reception | 3:30 p.m.
Factory of the Future Tour 2 (optional) | 4 p.m.

Click here to register.

Key Speakers

image of Akin Akinbosoye
Akin Akinbosoye
Director of Cybersecurity, MxD