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MxD Cyber Resource Hub

American manufacturers face many cybersecurity threats, but a few rise to the top as the most insidious.

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MxD Cyber Marketplace

The MxD Cyber Marketplace provides cybersecurity assessments in an easy to understand format to help determine an organization’s cybersecurity posture. Assessment outcomes are used to generate prioritized recommendation on the tools, services and policies an organization should implement to close security gaps. Users can get quotes from leading tools and services providers from within the Marketplace, offering them a complete journey to strengthening their cyber defenses, from assessment to solution to implementation in an accessible environment.

About the Marketplace
Instructor and student stand near a CNC machine as instructor gestures towards machine.

Virtual Training Center

The Virtual Training Center (VTC) is a virtual platform for recruiting, training and securing the manufacturing workforce. The VTC provides access to content and tools remotely and instantaneously for rapid evolution and development of a skilled workforce.

Sign up for the VTC