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Download the MxD Playbook for CMMC 2.0 Level 1

Manufacturers and their suppliers who have, or hope to have, contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense must soon meet new cybersecurity requirements. The MxD Playbook for Level 1 of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification — or CMMC 2.0 — is designed to help you do that.

Abstract cover art featuring dotted texture and circuit-like graphics

Level 1 is the first or foundational tier of CMMC 2.0’s three levels. It has 17 security practices to master and requires an annual self-assessment. It’s designed to protect Federal Contract Information (FCI) received by and shared with contractors and subcontractors. With this Playbook, MxD delivers a quick-start guide for Level 1.

MxD, the nation’s digital manufacturing institute and National Center for Cybersecurity in Manufacturing, is committed to preparing manufacturers to compete in the decades to come. Enhanced cyber protection is key to that preparation. The CMMC Playbook, which complements the MxD Cyber Marketplace, will help you get started.

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