About the Project
MxD is releasing a Request for Proposals for the development of an AI Design Advisor tool to aid inexperienced designers, socialize organizational expertise, and surface relationships between outcomes and design choices. The decisions made during the design process have significant implications at all downstream stages of the product life cycle through manufacturing, assembly, quality inspection, sustainment, and end-of-life. Simultaneously, more data are being generated during all stages of the product life cycle than ever before. However, linking these data to specific choices made during the design phase is often done on an ad-hoc basis which relies on expert personnel. It is difficult for organizations to socialize those learnings to inform and improve similar future designs as they are limited to their specific context.
Organizational expertise in downstream areas such as quality is therefore not systematically leveraged in the early stages where it could provide the most value. There is a need in industry for integrated frameworks empowered with artificial intelligence analytics and insights that can complement performance modeling and simulation by utilizing real and as-observed data in the life cycle and correlating that back to individual design choices.
To address these industry needs, MxD is funding the development on an AI Design Advisor tool that will provide data-driven guidance to design engineers at the early stage of the product life cycle. Through this investment, MxD seeks to advance the state-of-the-art towards a future goal of integrating the realms of design, production, manufacturing, quality, and sustainment.
RFP responses are due on or before
Thursday, June 24, 2021, 5:00 p.m. CT
Note: All project work must be performed in the United States.