Quantum Technology in Manufacturing: Unleashing Innovation and Exponential Change


1415 N Cherry Ave
Chicago, IL  60642



Key Speakers

John H. Burke, Ph.D.
Dr. Whitney Mason
Joseph Broz
Pranav Gokhale
Stacia Edwards, Ed.D.
Dennis Dannemiller
Paul Kassebaum, Ph.D.
Bob Gourley
Konstantinos Karagiannis
Charles Chung
Peter Noell

Ticket Price


About the Event

Time: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CT

Quantum technology has emerged as a revolutionary force that will fundamentally transform everything, including manufacturing. The integration of quantum technology into manufacturing processes promises to unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency, precision, and innovation. Join us as we explore the intersection of quantum technology and manufacturing, bringing together experts, researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers to discuss and explore the potential of quantum technology, and its advancements, challenges, and opportunities.  

Reasons to Attend:

Join us for a groundbreaking event hosted by MxD in collaboration with the Chicago Bloch Quantum Tech Hub, focused on the integration of quantum technology into manufacturing. This event offers significant value for various stakeholders, including local and national government officials and policymakers, researchers and academia, and prime and OEM manufacturing industry professionals. 

  • Gain interdisciplinary insights into how quantum technology intersects with manufacturing, leading to innovative solutions and new perspectives. 
  • Learn about applications of quantum technology that improve the manufacturing process, increase efficiency, and enhance product quality. 
  • Engage with experts and leading researchers in quantum technology, gaining insights and knowledge that can be applied in one's own work. 
  • Gain a better understanding about the current regional and national policy landscape and impact related to quantum technology.  
  • Experience live and immersive technology demonstrations on MxD Factory Floor. 
  • Participate in a roundtable discussion addressing challenges and collaborative solutions. 

Who Should Attend: 

  • Executive Decision Makers 
  • Industry Experts 
  • Research and Consulting Firms developing best practices 
  • Thought Leaders 
  • Local, Regional and National Policy Makers


For a detailed agenda, click here.

Day 1: July 18 (Public Session)
8:00 a.m. | Check-In
8:30 a.m. | Welcome
9:00 a.m. | Keynote Addresses - Industry & Government Representatives
12:00 p.m. | Lunch
12:45 p.m. | Presentations | Fireside Chat | Panel Discussion
4:30 p.m. | Closing Remarks
4:30 p.m. | Networking Reception & Factory Floor Tour (optional) 

Day 2: July 19 Private Session (By Invitation Only)

Key Speakers

image of <b>John H. Burke, Ph.D.</b>
John H. Burke, Ph.D.
Principal Director for
Quantum Science
Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Research and Engineering
image of <b>Dr. Whitney Mason</b>
Dr. Whitney Mason
Director of Microsystems
Technology Office (MTO)
Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA)
image of <b>Joseph Broz</b>
Joseph Broz
VP, Quantum Growth
& Markets
image of <b>Pranav Gokhale</b>
Pranav Gokhale
Vice President
Quantum Software
image of <b>Stacia Edwards, Ed.D.</b>
Stacia Edwards, Ed.D.
Deputy Provost
City Colleges of Chicago
image of <b>Dennis Dannemiller</b>
Dennis Dannemiller
Technology Manager
NASA Glenn Research Center
image of <b>Paul Kassebaum, Ph.D.</b>
Paul Kassebaum, Ph.D.
Technical Director
Sandbox AQ
image of <b>Bob Gourley</b>
Bob Gourley
CTO & Co-Founder
OODA Network
image of <b>Konstantinos Karagiannis</b>
Konstantinos Karagiannis
Director Quantum
Computing Services
image of <b>Charles Chung</b>
Charles Chung
Quantum Lead of Quantum
Industry Applications & Strategy
image of <b>Peter Noell</b>
Peter Noell
Sr. Quantum
Solutions Manager