About the Project
MxD is releasing a Project Call to guide and support manufacturers to automate Augmented Reality (AR) content generation process to input data for content generation and output AR content to various AR platforms with minimum human intervention.
The purpose of the development work is to automate authoring content from work instructions, allow human intervention when automation cannot complete 100% of the content, accommodate sharing data across multiple sources by integrating enterprise systems, and apply technology agnostic techniques to scale across multiple software and hardware systems or platforms.
Creating a comprehensive AR content generation solution that connects to enterprise software system (MES/PLM/QMS/etc.) for gathering content sources and integrates data processing to input real world work instructions, is a significant undertaking and requires collaboration with experts in various fields and domains such as, IT and data architectures and CAD/PLM conversions. This work will generate AR based work instructions with better accuracy and efficiency and empower teams to work with the most up-to-date information in an immersive and interactive environment.
This work will generate AR based work instructions with better accuracy and efficiency and empower teams to work with the most up-to-date information in an immersive and interactive environment.
It will also streamline the AR content development process and make it more efficient to continuously update and maintain AR content as work instructions change or new information becomes available.
AR technology has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing processes by providing visual guidance and information overlaid directly onto the physical environment to enhance worker productivity, improve overall efficiency, increase training efficacy, and provide real-time information.
Monday, November 27, 2023, 5:00 p.m. CT.
RFP Process Updates: This Project Call has two phases: a White Paper Phase, followed by a Technical and Cost Proposal phase. MxD is piloting this process and will assess this modification to the process for future Project Calls. The Proposal Team Lead must submit a White Paper according to the provided instructions. The White Papers will be reviewed and evaluated by MxD; MxD will then invite those whose White Papers have been downselected submit a Technical and Cost Proposal. Those proposals will then be reviewed and evaluated by MxD; MxD will then begin pre-award negotiations with the Proposal Teams who have been selected for award.
Note: All project work must be performed in the United States.
This project is a TIA Enterprise Project that requires a minimum of 1:1 cost share.